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Whilst I'm shocked to hear the inside information above, I'm also not surprised after trying to go through a planner who's list didn't match recommendations on the forums & Facebook etc. Now I've heard what really goes on behind the scenes (especially with regards to commissions) I feel stupid that I didn't click on sooner, when I was suspicious beforehand. To test this however, my friend called my photographer direct acting as a potential new independent client (without a planner) and asked the price of an exact booking to mine, then I called you at photomarbella and got the price too.

My findings were that the through the planner I actually paid 630€ extra (guess that was her commissions and a bit more on top maybe), direct booking with the same photographer was obviously his independent price (what I call the real price) and through your free service it would have been 80€ less than going to him (still don't quite get how its cheaper through you than direct, but I think I read above something about you guarantee them lots of jobs only the rate must be lower or something and I guess you do all their administrative stuff so ok, fair enough... but, the reason I have taken the time to write this is so others see the result direct from the horses mouth so to speak (especially as I had a long face when I found the truth reading this page and doing my own test hehe).

To other people that think there is no point going the an agency like photomarbella here, it's not just the 80€ less that I would have saved here, I paid 630€ more (plus the 80€) so 710€!!! That saving could have covered the Gin that the best man and his mob drank, well perhaps. Needless to say, that all these 710's add up and my hubby (still l feels weird saying that) and I estimate we could have got the wedding day down to half, if we knew then what we know now.

If like me, you are determined to have a planner, then do a little homework yourself first, ie using photomarbella here to locate the best available photographer or contacting a few bridal wear shops, bands or cake makers yourself, then, and only then, approach planners with the clear confidence you know what you are talking about (despite being from abroad). I had problems with my planner by the way (on top of the thousands extra we paid!), but I have learnt a lot since the whole thing and know now I should have used "Our Spanish Wedding" (their website is: ), they have a very fair flat rate for doing all the dirty work and also dont do the commission thing. This was confirmed in my mind when they recommended to my friend on the coast the same photographers for her budget as photomarbella did, who also dont charge commissions, it kind of fell into place. My friend used them both (on my recommendation) and she was well pleased with everything and very grateful as she had none of the issues I ended up having.

Bottom line, save loads and enjoy the day more knowing all is good, by doing a little bit of homework and using places like Our Spanish Wedding and Photomarbella (although I heard they are the only agency over there). Ignore to people who say ooh it is so different over here and you couldnt do it on your own due to their huge experience, crap, all I got was stress and a bill twice the price!

Good luck if you are planning your own wedding however, I didnt want it all to sound such doom and gloom, but take my advice and eliminate the chances.

Mr & Mrs Debs & Nick White :-)
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